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  1. Top Indexing: JOGER indexes all papers in the world top indexing like CrossRef, etc,, Google Scholar, etc.
  2. DOI: JOGER allot DOI (Digital Object Identifier) to each published article.
  3. Blind Peer Review Process: The main aim of the blind peer review process is to maintain the quality of published articles under JOGER.
  4. Rapid Publication Process: The publication process generally takes only 45 days for an article publication. JOGER dispatch a hard copy of the Journal within 7 days of request by any available speed post.
  5. Subject-Specific Journal: JOGER There are different subject-specific areas spanning all aspects of geomatics and environmental sciences.
  6. Online and Print publication both: JOGER publishes paper online and print version.
  7. Quick Reply of any query: Anybody can get answers to their queries within 24 hours by mailing at editorjoger@gmail.com
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