Unilorin JOGER

Frequently Asked Questions


Joger are International Journals. You can check editorial board and published papers. Unilorin Joger are accepted globally.

JOGER follow blind peer review process for selecting only best quality papers. It accepts only 10-15 % quality papers.

JOGER is widely indexed Journals. JOGER published papers are indexed in world top indexing like Cross Ref, Google Scholar, and many more.

JOGER publish paper online and hard copy (print Version) both

JOGER dispatch hard copy of Journal and certificates within 7 days of online publication of paper. After that you can take the track id for tracking your post.

JOGER  provide DOI (Digital Object Identifier) to each article. So that your paper can make acceptable in all around the world.

You can check all JOGER statistics through following link: https://www.unilorinjoger.com/statistics

Author can check citation reports through following link: https://www.unilorinjoger.com/citation

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